Monday, March 23, 2009

Exit Interview

Gosh! I just had my exit interview with our general manager. I am not prepared. I don't know if I answered his questions correctly. I read one article that you should not say anything against the company of your co-employees. I am not aware if I followed that tip, all I know is that, I just answered him as honestly as I can. As if we are talking casually that is why I don't speak in english or maybe I am so nervous that I can't compose my answers in english. Well anyway, the more important thing is that the exit interview is already finished which means I am officially resigned. I am not happy resigning from my job but I am just excited going home to the province. I may not find career growth there but I am happy to be with my parents and friends and also there is less stress and worries. The main reason why I'm resigning is my health condition. In the province there is a fresher air, very simple life and less complicated jobs. If I work there I can feel that I'll get better. And also I can see that I will be more happy because I'll be with my parents, closest friends and I missed singing in the choir at our church.

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