Monday, March 23, 2009

Exit Interview

Gosh! I just had my exit interview with our general manager. I am not prepared. I don't know if I answered his questions correctly. I read one article that you should not say anything against the company of your co-employees. I am not aware if I followed that tip, all I know is that, I just answered him as honestly as I can. As if we are talking casually that is why I don't speak in english or maybe I am so nervous that I can't compose my answers in english. Well anyway, the more important thing is that the exit interview is already finished which means I am officially resigned. I am not happy resigning from my job but I am just excited going home to the province. I may not find career growth there but I am happy to be with my parents and friends and also there is less stress and worries. The main reason why I'm resigning is my health condition. In the province there is a fresher air, very simple life and less complicated jobs. If I work there I can feel that I'll get better. And also I can see that I will be more happy because I'll be with my parents, closest friends and I missed singing in the choir at our church.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I Wanna Be...

Well, there are so many things in my mind that I really want to do or I should say I wanna be.

1. I wanna be a writer. I want to write every ideas that runs into my mind. I may not be as creative as others but I just want to express my thoughts through writing. I believe writing skills like any other skills can be developed, so I just hope that some day I can also be an expert writer.
2. I wanna be a shef. I want to enroll in a culinary school so i can learn the art of preparing different delicious dishes like Judai. I love watching Quickfire in Q11 by Shef Rosebud Benitez. I guess I'm inspired by her to be a shef. She can prepare a meal in just 10 minutes. At home Im trying to imitate the meals she cooked in the show. It may not be perfect because of lack of ingredients but I think my efforts still counts.
3. I wanna be a teacher. I missed teaching sunday school and VCS to the children in our church. Actually I want to participate in the "Kariton Klasrum" an idea of Efren PeƱaflorida in Cavite. I want to teach young children who can't afford to go to formal school, how to read, write, bible stories, good values and others. We know how important education is. As the saying goes, "It's better in indure the hardship of learning than to taste the bitterness of ignorance."
4. I wanna be "Fashionista" influenced by the TV show in Q11 Fashionistas by heart. I know I'm somewhat "jologs" so I want to change that image. I want to wear clothes that best compliment my body. I want to look good and show a simple but classic and stylish image. I also want to accessorize, buy beautiful bags ( I really go gaga over bags), dresses, and shoes. But the risk of being Fashionista is having enough budget, although you don't need to spend much in buying branded items but you still need money in achieving the looks that I want.
5. I wana be a bride. I think every girl dreams that one day their Prince Charming would pop the magic words, "Will you marry me?" while wearing to me a diamond ring. Like any other girl I also dream that I day I'm going to get marry to the love of my life. So I just pray that God would give me a wonderful and loving husband to be.
6. I wanna be a mother. Most mothers would say that delivering a child is the happiest and most memorable experience that they had. Seeing your baby for the first time would erase all the hardship you had during labor. I also want to experience that. It's so exciting to have a baby in the family because everyone is happy taking care of the baby even if it's exhausting sometimes. I want to see my children growing. I'm curious on how I would raise my children. I hope I would be a wonder mom one day.

Monday, March 9, 2009

My Heart Story

This is my first blog ever. I was inspired by Francis M. (may he rest in peace) to share with people my thoughts, experiences and my journey. Like Francis M. I have also a health condition specifically a heart ailment. What I have learned from Francis' life is that he has very positive outlook in life, he is so brave to share his experiences to others for them to learn from it and he submitted his life to God.

I have a congenital disease Atrial Septal defect (ASD). The septum is a wall that separates the heart's left and right sides. Septal defects are sometimes called a "hole" in the heart. A defect between the heart's two upper chambers (the atria) is called an atrial septal defect (ASD). I found this out last September 2007. At first I don't want people to know because I don't want to be pitied. But as time passes by I was able to share it to others and they offered me support and prayers. Now, I am bold enough to share with you what I'm going through because I know I am not alone with this journey. My whole family and friends are always there to support me. Having a heart condition is not easy because aside from restrictions of some activities and food, you also need enough money to support my medicines, check-ups and various tests. But by God's grace I was able to live a normal and happy life. He is my source of strength. He cares for me and loves me so much.

As I continue my journey of life, I will not be afraid anymore because I know God is my healer. Today Im declaring in the name of Jesus that I am healed...

God said, "I am the God that healed thee, I am the Lord Your Healer. I sent my word and healed your disease, I am the Lord Your Healer."